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Our 2024 Ready to Win® training program is June 28-July 1 in Washington, DC. with virtual sessions running every Wednesday between May 15th and June 12th for both the campaign leadership and candidate tracks.

Ready to Win® is a unique two-track advanced campaign training for New Americans who want to run for office or serve as a senior level staff member on campaigns within the next two years.

During this “boot camp” style program, participants will gain the hands-on campaign skills needed to run and win, including how to develop a comprehensive campaign plan and build a sustainable community-based movement that fosters civic engagement and a commitment to voting.

Leading up to the in-person training, we will have five virtual sessions ranging from 75 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the session. These virtual sessions are integral to the training experience and build off of each other to complement what you’ll learn in person.

Applications for the candidate track and campaign leadership track are now open! Please submit your application by 11:59pm ET on April 24, 2024.