Photo Courtesy of Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images
It’s something #PeopleLikeUs have known for years: communities of immigrants and people of color are some of the first to feel the impact of climate change, being disproportionately exposed to pollution and toxic substances. But thanks to comments made by Julián Castro at CNN’s climate change town hall, more people than ever are discussing these issues and how we can fix it. Coupled with an ambitious plan that addresses both the environmental and human rights aspects of climate change, this is just another example of how when #PeopleLikeUs run for office, our communities are better represented and heard.
Photo Courtesy of Paul Richards/AFP/Getty Images
Saying it again for the people in the back: We????Will????Not????Be????Silenced????
Despite pushback from #PeopleLikeUs and allies in states across the country, Ohio is set to join other states in trying to purge over 200,000 voters from their system ahead of the 2020 election. This push comes even after voting rights groups found more than 4,000 people who would be erroneously removed from Ohio’s voter rolls. Our vote is our voice in our democracy. We can’t allow officials in Ohio or anywhere else to pursue these kinds of discriminatory, anti-democratic practices and silence our voices.
Wealthy donors have always had an outsized influence in our democracy, but the court decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates for special interests and corporate spending in our elections.
Fortunately, #PeopleLikeUs have a chance to take back our power. Thanks to a constitutional amendment introduced in the Senate, we have a chance to overturn Citizens United and reduce the influence of money in politics. But to make this a reality, we need you to join us and more than 100 other partners in asking the House to support this amendment. Call 1-866-937-7983 today and follow the prompt to urge your Representative to support the proposed 28th Amendment!
Pop quiz: Which of our events did we highlight in last week’s Resistance Roundup?
If you said the New American Hero Awards (November 14 in Washington, D.C.), our annual Power and Policy Conference (November 15 in Washington, D.C.), and our Boss Ladies training series with IGNITE, starting September 28 in Seattle, then you’re correct! Now, we’re adding Ready to Rise to the mix—a new, one-day event in Texas based on our signature Ready to Lead training! If you or someone you know is interested in joining our movement to create a democracy that represents and works for all of us, then apply today. Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, so be sure to apply now!
We hope to see you down in the Lone Star state in less than a month! Can’t join us there? Get your Boss Ladies ticket for another training opportunity or join us in Washington, D.C. for the New American Hero Awards and Power and Policy convening!