Senator Kamala Harris and Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez continue to prove that #PeopleLikeUs are the leaders our country needs! Earlier this week, they introduced the Climate Equity Act, a bill that requires any environmental legislation or regulation to be scored on how it could impact low-income communities. We know that communities of color, immigrant communities, and low-income communities are already facing the consequences of climate change. But thanks to the efforts of these two leaders and other #PeopleLikeUs in Congress, our communities are better protected from future environmental changes.
Photo Courtesy of The Hill/Getty Images
The voting rights of #PeopleLikeUs are under attack. A recent study confirmed what we already knew: that states and counties with a history of racial discrimination purged their voter lists at a higher rate. But what we didn’t know is that they purged their lists at a rate 40% higher than other jurisdictions. This means that between 2016 and 2018, over one million extra voters, many of whom are people of color, became unregistered. Our votes are our voices. We cannot allow these kinds of discriminatory, racist policies to continue and silence our voices.
Photo Courtesy of CNN
Although the Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, our communities are still at risk of being undercounted. Unless we speak out and demand that the Census is fully funded and conducted in a fair, nonpartisan manner, communities of color and immigrant communities are at risk of not being counted and losing vital funding and representation. We can’t let this happen. Add your name to our petition today to tell lawmakers to fully fund the Census so that all people are counted and represented in 2020 and beyond!