In response to comments made by Rep. Rashida Tlaib at an event co-hosted by the New American Leaders Action Fund and MoveOn Thursday night, Sayu Bhojwani, President and Founder of New American Leaders, issued the following statement in response:
“The New American Leaders Action Fund proudly stands by Rashida Tlaib’s forceful statement at our event to celebrate the incoming cohort of women of color in Congress. America deserves leaders who demonstrate the best of our country – inclusive, committed and full of heart. Rep. Tlaib is all that we should be looking up to, rather than turning away from. Critiques of her language – like concerns about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ dancing, or what women like Nancy Pelosi wear – are designed to shift the focus away from women’s power, and are a distraction from the real issues we need to focus on as a country.
“Policing Rep Tlaib’s language while applauding known abusers like Brett Kavanaugh hurts our democracy. We need to remain focused on rectifying the damage this administration has done, and embrace the boldness of our new, inclusive leadership to help save our democracy by supporting them in building a compassionate and comprehensive immigration policy, healthcare for all, climate change policy, and solutions for economic inequality.”