Democracy Dies in Darkness

Biden’s Obama-era Cabinet picks frustrate liberals, civil rights leaders

December 13, 2020 at 11:48 a.m. EST
The Fix’s Eugene Scott analyzes some of President-elect Joe Biden’s Cabinet picks and why he is under ongoing pressure to make more diverse picks. (Video: The Washington Post)

WILMINGTON, Del. — President-elect Joe Biden's decision to fill his White House and Cabinet with longtime colleagues has led to frustration from liberals, civil rights leaders and younger activists, who worry he's relegating racial minorities to lower-status jobs while leaning on Obama-era appointees for key positions.

Biden’s Cabinet process has also discomforted some allies on the Hill, who say senators from his own party have not been sufficiently consulted about picks, even though Biden will need influential Senate Democrats to help steer nominees through the confirmation gauntlet. Senior Democratic senators have gotten little or no advance warning about the president-elect’s selections, according to a half-dozen senior congressional officials and others familiar with the process.